Seminar of Traditional Greek Dances of the Islands and Asia-Minor
Stage de Danses Traditionnelles des Iles et d'Asie-Mineure
Seminario di Danze Tradizionali delle Isole Greche e dell’Asia Minore
Seminar Traditionelle griechische Tänze : Inseltänze, Tänze aus Kleinasien

Friday 14 February 2025


From our 2017 IkariaDance and Language workshops...some photos...and many more in our albums!


                                            Greek language cafe - Beginners' group

                                     Greek Language Cafe - Advanced learner's group

                                       Greek Language Cafe - Advanced learner's group
 Interview with Valia Papagianni and Vassilis Douris about the educational system's characteristics in Ikaria and the rest of Greece...

... as well as the Ikaria's particular cultural profile. We thank them a lot! 

 Afternoon Cultural workshop in Nas village: Learning the traditional songs from Ikaria with our wonderful friends Dimitris Spanos and Christina Koutsiafti! Thank you! 

                                      Christina teaching rythm to her baby soon to be born! 

                                             Vassilis not working...that's news!

             Dance workshops in Armenistis village, Cavos Bay hotel. Makis is teaching Samos dances...

                                        Nikos teaching dances from East Crete...

                                                     Rest time during the break in Cavos Bay...
                                             Maria in action! .... La femme "polyvalente et polytalente"...

                                         Christos teaching Asia Minor dances
                     Cultural workshops: Explaining the rythms of the Asia Minor songs and dances

                                                                        Our T-shirt!

                                     Our orchestra for the cultural workshop of Asia Minor

          Our wonderful teachers from Samos, Makis Evangelou and Kriti, Ioannis Plagiotakis and Nikos Koufakis! Special guest star Andreas! 

                 The Norwegian club with their teacher Helge in action in the fish panigiri in Gialiskari! 

                                   Margarita, Howi, Werner and Mireille dancing Symbethera!

                                         Emmanuela and Makis in a tender ikarian tango! 

     The "Horeftarades" parea...the next generation! Nikos, Renia, Fani, Spyros, Marianthi,  Yorgos and friends...

Stelios and Christos in action...

                     Teaching Greek again, Roxani? Our Greek language teachers and learners in action...

                              Yannis and Christiana are organising something...

                   Briefing time under the guidance of the master chef Mr Vassilis.... Silence! 

                                                     Christos teaching...

                                      Kaiti Koullia's wonderful songs' workshop...

                                    Christos and Maria

                                         Vangelis teaching Pondos dances

                                                  A, these spoons.... 

                                             Stelios and Krinio

                                   Singing and playing music time...cultural workshop

                                           Josep is eating and not only dancing! Yupii!

                                       Our "Asteris"! 

                             Selfy time! Christos, Krinio, Evita and Vangelis.

                                    A romantic ikarian walzer!


 The sun is going down ....but our hearts are full of sun! 

Καλή αντάμωση! Χριστιάνα



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